Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answers to common questions about the Laurus Institute and the different opportunities available.

General Questions

What is the Laurus Institute?

The Laurus Institute is our way of bringing all of the Laurus Trust’s professional learning initiatives together under one banner.

The Laurus Institute provides a comprehensive offer of externally accredited and in-house professional learning opportunities for education professionals at every stage of their career.

It allows the innovation and best practice that is happening in each of our schools to be shared centrally and externally.

Is the Laurus Institute only for Laurus Trust employees?

No, as an Associate College of the National Institute of Teaching (NIoT), we offer a range of courses and qualifications for all education professionals – not just those within our own schools!

What is the National Institute of Teaching (NIoT)?

The National Institute of Teaching (NIoT) is the Government’s flagship teacher and leader training and development programme.

NIoT programmes are designed by teachers and leaders who understand the joys and pressures of school life. The NIoT is run by the School-Led Development Trust, and is supported by a network of Associate Colleges.

The Laurus Trust is an Associate College of the NIoT.

What does it mean to be an Associate College of the NIoT?

We are proud to be an Associate College of the National Institute of Teaching (NIoT).

According to the NIoT, Associate Colleges are “selected for their expertise and track records in teacher development. As well as playing a key role in the delivery of our programmes, Associate Colleges also contribute to their design, drawing on local expertise and knowledge. This ensures that programmes reflect their local contexts and the needs of the communities they serve.”

Training to become a teacher

What is Initial Teacher Training (ITT)?

The Laurus Institiute is offering Initial Teacher Training (ITT) through the National Institute of Teaching (NIoT).

We offer primary and secondary school  ITT programmes, and all trainees are given 39 weeks of professional learning and teaching practice in a placement school

Once you have completed the ITT programme, you will have Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) with a postgraduate certificate in education (PGCE) and 60 Masters credits.

What is the eligibility criteria?

To be eligible for the Initial Teacher Training, you will need:

  • A bachelor’s degree or equivalent, with a 2:2 or above
  • A GCSE grade 4/C or above in English and Maths, or equivalent
  • Primary candidates will also need a GCSE grade 4/C or above in a Science, or equivalent
  • Your degree or A Levels will need to be relevant to the subject/phase you wish to teach

Further information about eligibility criteria can be found here.

How is the course structured?

You will be in school for four days every week, and then have training with NIoT on a Thursday.

This is how the course is delivered in each term of the academic year:

Autumn term

You will have one main placement for the whole of this term. The course is fully immersive, which means that you’ll be teaching from the very start – but your timetable will be very small to begin with, increasing as the year progresses.

Spring term

You will spend four weeks of this term in a contrasting school placement. The aim is to broaden your experience and field of reference. This placement will be provided for you.

Second half of spring term and summer term

You will return to your main placement school. This will help you to strengthen existing relationships and deepen your teaching knowledge, as well as providing continuity for your pupils/students.

Why train with the Laurus Institute and the NIoT?

The NIoT delivers cutting-edge, evidence-based teacher training and professional development, informed by its ongoing research into best practice.

As an Associate College of the NIoT, we work alongside our partner schools and other Laurus Trust schools to train you to become the best teacher you can be.

The Laurus Trust have been training teachers for nearly a decade. Many of our graduates are now successful teachers as well as middle and senior leaders in Laurus Trust schools and other local schools.

Our long-standing partnerships with local primaries and secondaries strengthen our offer, ensuring that those who join our programme benefit from outstanding mentoring and excellent school leadership.

You will be teaching in school from the start, giving you the practical experience to feel confident in a classroom from the day you graduate as an Early Careers Teacher (ECT).

Early Career Framework Provision

What is the Early Career Framework (ECF)?

The Early Career Framework (ECF) is a framework of standards to help Early Career Teachers (ECTs) develop and succeed at the beginning of their careers.

Investing in the development and support of ECTs is not only beneficial to ECTs themselves, but also to your school and the wider educational community.

Why choose the Laurus Institute and NIoT as your ECF provider?

Choosing the National Institute of Teaching (NIoT) and Laurus Institute as your ECF provider will ensure that your new teachers are given the expert support they need to become confident, capable classroom practitioners. We provide impact through innovation, making the ECF easier to manage in schools.

As your ECF provider, we will:

  • make more impact in less time
  • develop lean, clean systems that make the programme run smoothly
  • respect teacher time and expertise.

Making it easier for you and your team!

What does the ECF programme include?

The Laurus Institute and NIoT’s ECF programme delivers flexible training and support to help teachers succeed from the start.

Our programme offers:

  • Personalised learning: Self-directed study materials to help ECTs learn what they need, when they need it. Our curriculum builds on what’s gone before, but reduces repetition from ITT years.
  • 1:1 support: Mentors receive training to guide ECTs on their learning journey, with clear action steps.
  • Learning from others: Local networking sessions for ECTs and mentors to solve problems together.
  • Access to international experts: In-depth, expert-led webinars for ECTs on behaviour, literacy, and formative assessment.


How does the programme impact teaching timetables?

To minimise disruption to teaching, our ECF programme uses a combination of online and in-person events,

This also reduces the need for travel, fosters small group meetings, specialist sessions and networking.

In their first year of teaching, ECTs will have a 10% reduction in their timetable. In their second year, their timetable will be reduced by 5%.

This allows for regular mentoring, study and action from the ECT, and ensures there is space for them to embed their learning.

It is expected that mentors also be given intentional timetable capacity, in order to provide the best support to their ECTs.

National Professional Qualifications (NPQs)

What is a National Professional Qualification (NPQ)?

National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) are professional development courses for teachers and leaders.

NPQs allow teachers and leaders to develop their skills, progress their careers and improve school outcomes.

Which NPQs are offered by the Laurus Institute and NIoT?

What are the differences between Specialist and Leadership NPQs?

All of our NPQs include online self-study that you can access flexibly.

Here are some of the key differences between how specialist and leadership NPQ courses are structured:

Specialist NPQs

  • 12 months long
  • Encompass three one-day conferences, virtual visits to two schools and two masterclasses where you will hear from expert serving leaders
  • Develop your leadership skills through practice clinics.

Leadership NPQs

  • 18 months long
  • Encompass four one-day conferences, virtual visits to three schools and hearing from expert serving leaders in three masterclasses (five for NPQEL)
  • Develop your leadership skills through group coaching (and one to one for NPQEL).

Visit the NIoT website to decide which NPQ is right for you.

Why do an NPQ with the Laurus Institute and NIoT?

Our programmes are:

  • Relentlessly focused on impact on children’s outcomes.
  • Highly rigorous and highly practical: connecting research to the reality of schools, and applying global expertise to unique local contexts.
  • Designed and delivered by exceptional serving leaders who understand the pressures and nuances of school life.
  • Structured to fit around teachers’ busy schedules.


Interested in our offer?

Whether you’re thinking of becoming a teacher, applying for an NPQ, or just want to learn more – register your interest to stay in touch and hear about the latest opportunities, news and events.

Become a teacher with Laurus Institute

Early Career Framework

Explore our NPQs