Laurus Institute

Train to teach with the Laurus Institute

Welcome to the Laurus Institute, a proud part of the Laurus Trust.

Start your teaching career with our fully immersive school-centred programme, offered in partnership with the National Institute of Teaching (NIoT).

As an Associate College of the NIoT, the Laurus Institute is proud to deliver Initial Teacher Training (ITT). Become a fully qualified primary or secondary teacher with a PGCE, QTS and 60 Masters credits!

The National Institute of Teaching and the Laurus Institute

Early Career Framework (ECF)

We provide impact through innovation, making the Early Career Framework (ECF) easier to manage in schools.

By choosing the Laurus Institute and the National Institute of Teaching as your ECF provider, you will ensure that your new teachers are given the expert support they need for success.

National Professional Qualifications (NPQs)

The Laurus Institute and the NIoT offer a range of NPQs designed to support teachers and leaders to deliver improved outcomes for young people.

We offer five leadership NPQs, and five specialist NPQs for teachers and leaders who want to develop their expertise in specific areas.

Professional Learning

We offer a wide range of professional learning opportunities, both externally accredited and in-house, tailored for education professionals at every stage of their career.

Our Commitment to Excellence

High-quality professional learning and pedagogical development are at the heart of our organisational culture; they are the bedrock of what we do and what we stand for.

Investing in Our People

From Apprenticeships and Masters degrees to the Early Career Framework (ECF) and National Professional Qualifications (NPQ), we invest a significant amount of time, effort and money in developing staff, governors and trustees across our Laurus Trust schools and partner schools. We do this because we understand that our people are our greatest asset.

Sharing Best Practice

The Laurus Institute is our way of bringing all of our professional learning initiatives together under one banner. It allows the innovation and best practice that is happening in each school to be shared centrally.

A teacher from Priestnall School guides two students with their work during a lesson.

Interested in our offer?

Whether you’re thinking of becoming a teacher, applying for an NPQ, or just want to learn more – register your interest to stay in touch and hear about the latest opportunities, news and events.

Become a teacher with Laurus Institute

Join the Laurus family

Early Career Framework

Explore our professional learning

Explore our NPQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Image of the Chartered College of Teaching logo
National Institute of Teaching Logo in Teal
Image of Research Mark Plus award by the Chartered College of Teaching.
Chartered Status CPD Partner 2024-2025 Chartered College of Teaching